Over a century of community connection

Soldiers Memorial Hall was designed by the architect William M. Butterfield of Manchester. Like many other town halls of the era, its design included a community gathering place, known as The Opera House. The construction began the summer of 1892 with construction finalized and the dedication ceremony held on September 5, 1893.
The Opera House had many uses throughout its long history such as hosting balls, conventions, graduations, sports events, dances, film showings, musicals, plays, operas, and speeches, until the 1960’s when the city partitioned off sections of the stage and the auditorium to provide additional space for city services.
In 1997, when the police department and court moved to their own homes on the other side of Central Street, the Franklin Opera House Restoration Committee was formed and reopened the Opera House.

Franklin Opera House, Inc.

As a non-profit volunteer organization committed to fostering the performing arts, we benefit greatly from the dedication and sacrifice of many people, including our Board of Directors. Members of our Board serve 3-year terms and are elected on a rotating basis each year at our Annual Meeting. We are always seeking engaged citizens who have interest or expertise in any aspect of running the organization and fulfilling our mission. If you would like to be a member our the Board, contact us or attend our next Annual Meeting which occurs the second Thursday of June.

Volunteers Help Us Thrive

We cannot exist without amazing volunteers. There are many ways to help: be an usher at an event, prepare or sell concessions, learn and offer technical assistance, help with fundraising, provide office or box office tasks. Many roles allow you to see a show for free!

Contact Volunteer coordinator Maureen Aube, mdaube@metrocast.net, or (603) 520-2523. Or contact Dan Darling, Executive Director.

Members are the Foundation

There are several ways you can be a member of our organization, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing YOU are part of our ongoing mission.

at various levels entitles you to elect the Board of Directors at our annual meeting, and other benefits such as free and discounted tickets. 

includes advertising in our annual program guides, which helps defray the cost of marketing. Please patronize our business members and tell them you saw their ad! 

CORPORATE SPONSORS demonstrate outstanding support by underwriting the cost of events and general operations. Please take a moment to thank them when you have the opportunity. 

Our Management Team

Executive Director
Dan Darling

Technical / Stage Manager

Marketing Coordinator

Location and contact information

Find Us

Reach out anytime.

316 Central St., PO Box 172, Franklin, NH 03235

(603) 934-1901
